• Blog Images JTC
  • Aug 01, 2023


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“ The following is a roadmap to help Software candidates prepare for campus placements. While Coding would require revision at least 2-3 months before the commencement of the placement sessions, Language and Subject and Basic Aptitude would require around 1.5 and 1 month respectively, also softskills topics can be revisited 3-4 days prior to the Big Day.” Quote Images
Aptitude Basic (1 months)

Basic Aptitude revision should take around 1 month and topics include Quantitative, Logical, Verbal, Data Interpretation, Visual Reasoning and Game based aptitudes. Basic aptitude refers to fundamental abilities or skills that are essential for learning, problem-solving, and understanding various concepts. These aptitudes serve as a foundation for acquiring and applying knowledge in different areas.

  • Quants

Quantitative aptitude refers to the ability to work with numbers, perform mathematical calculations, and solve numerical problems accurately and efficiently. It encompasses various mathematical skills and concepts necessary for quantitative analysis, data interpretation, and problem-solving. Quantitative aptitude is essential in many academic and professional domains, including fields such as finance, engineering, economics, and data analysis. It involves the application of mathematical knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems, make informed decisions, and interpret numerical data. Key domains in Quantitative Aptitude include Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Data Interpretation, Probability and Statistics, and Quantitative Reasoning. Developing quantitative aptitude involves practicing mathematical concepts, solving numerical problems, and improving problem-solving strategies. Regular practice, understanding mathematical principles and familiarity with problem-solving techniques can enhance your quantitative aptitude and make you more proficient in quantitative analysis and decision-making.

  • Logical

Logical aptitude, also known as logical reasoning or logical thinking, refers to the ability to analyze and evaluate information, recognize patterns, draw conclusions based on logical rules, and solve problems using deductive or inductive reasoning. Logical aptitude includes Pattern Recognition, Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Logical Analysis, Logical Flow, and Logical Problem Solving. Developing logical aptitude can be done through practice and exposure to different types of logical puzzles, brain teasers, and reasoning exercises. It helps in improving problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and the capacity to analyze information and draw logical conclusions.

  • Verbal

Verbal aptitude, also referred to as verbal reasoning or verbal ability, is the capacity to comprehend, analyze, and manipulate language effectively. It encompasses a range of skills related to language, communication, and understanding written and spoken information. Verbal aptitude encompasses Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar and Syntax, Verbal Reasoning, Communication Skills and Listening Skills. Verbal aptitude is vital in academic settings, professional environments, and daily life, as effective communication and comprehension are essential for success. It is assessed in verbal reasoning tests, language proficiency exams, and interviews to evaluate an individual's language skills, comprehension abilities, and critical thinking capabilities. To improve verbal aptitude, one can engage in activities such as reading extensively, practicing reading comprehension exercises, expanding vocabulary through word games or vocabulary-building exercises, and actively participating in discussions and debates. Regular practice and exposure to various forms of verbal communication can enhance verbal aptitude and facilitate better understanding and expression of ideas.

  • Data interpretation

Data interpretation refers to the process of analyzing and making sense of data so as to extract meaningful insights, identify patterns, and draw conclusions. It involves understanding and interpreting data presented in various formats, such as tables, charts, graphs, diagrams, or textual information. Steps involved in Data Interpretation include Data Analysis, Data Presentation, Identifying Trends and Patterns, Making Comparisons and Drawing Conclusions. Data interpretation skills are valuable in various fields and applications, such as business analysis, market research, scientific research, financial analysis, and decision-making. Effective data interpretation allows for informed decision-making, problem-solving, and communicating insights derived from the data. To improve data interpretation skills, it is helpful to practice analyzing and interpreting different types of data sets regularly. This can involve working with sample data sets, solving data interpretation problems or exercises, and familiarizing with common data visualization techniques. Additionally, developing critical thinking skills, attention to detail, and familiarity with statistical concepts can contribute to more accurate and insightful data interpretation.

  • Visual reasoning

Visual reasoning refers to the ability to understand and analyze visual information, recognize patterns, and draw logical conclusions based on visual stimuli. It involves using visual cues, such as images, diagrams, patterns, or spatial relationships, to solve problems, make deductions, and infer relationships. Visual Reasoning involves Pattern Recognition, Spatial Reasoning, Analogies and Relationships, Logical Deduction and Problem Solving. Visual reasoning is crucial in various fields, such as design, architecture, engineering, mathematics, and problem-solving in general. It is often assessed in aptitude tests, intelligence tests, and exams that evaluate a person's ability to think visually and draw logical conclusions from visual stimuli. To improve visual reasoning skills, one can engage in activities that involve visual puzzles, spatial reasoning tasks, or pattern recognition exercises. Practice with visual problem-solving tasks and exposure to different types of visual information can enhance visual reasoning abilities and improve the ability to analyze, interpret, and draw conclusions from visual stimuli.

  • Game based Aptitude

Game-based aptitude refers to the use of games or game-like activities to assess and develop aptitude skills. It involves incorporating elements of gameplay, interactivity, and challenge into the process of evaluating and enhancing cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and other aptitude areas. Game-based aptitude assessments often provide a more engaging and immersive experience compared to traditional aptitude tests. They can measure various aptitudes, such as numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, spatial reasoning, memory, attention, and decision-making, in a dynamic and interactive manner. Benefits of game based aptitude include engagement, real world simulation, immediate feedback, adaptive difficulty level and skill development. Game-based aptitude assessments are often used in educational settings, recruitment processes, and training programs to evaluate and develop key aptitudes. They provide a more interactive and engaging alternative to traditional tests, offering a comprehensive understanding of an individual's abilities and potential. It's worth noting that game-based aptitude assessments should be well-designed, validated, and aligned with the specific aptitude areas they aim to measure. Furthermore, while game-based assessments can be effective tools, they may not fully replace other forms of assessment and should be used in conjunction with other evaluation methods for a comprehensive understanding of an individual's aptitudes.

Soft Skills (3-4 days)

Soft skills, also known as interpersonal skills or people skills, are personal attributes, behaviors, and qualities that enable individuals to effectively interact and collaborate with others. They are non-technical skills that complement technical or hard skills and are crucial for success in various personal and professional contexts. Soft skills generally include skills of communication, collaboration, emotional intelligence, problem solving, leadership, time-management, adaptability, conflict resolution, creativity and networking. Soft skills are highly valued in the workplace and are crucial for career success, leadership effectiveness, and personal growth. They are transferable across different industries and play a significant role in building strong interpersonal relationships, effective communication, and overall professional effectiveness. While technical skills and knowledge are essential, it is often the combination of technical skills and strong soft skills that leads to professional advancement and success in a collaborative and diverse work environment.

  • Interview Experience

Reading about interview experiences can provide several benefits for job seekers or individuals preparing for interviews: Insights into Interview Process, Familiarity with Common Questions, Learning from Others' Experiences, Building Confidence, Identifying Industry or Company-Specific Insights, Understanding Cultural Fit with Company. Reading about interview experiences can be informative and helpful, however each interview experience is unique, and outcomes can vary based on various factors. Use the information gained from others' experiences as a guideline but tailor your preparation and responses based on your own skills, qualifications, and understanding of the specific role and organization you are interviewing for.

  • Resume Building

Resume building is the process of creating a well-structured and professional document that showcases your skills, qualifications, work experience, and accomplishments to potential employers. A strong resume is essential for making a positive impression and securing job interviews. Here are some key steps and tips for building an effective resume:

Choose the Right Format: Select a resume format that suits your background and the requirements of the job you're applying for. Common formats include chronological (highlighting your work experience), functional (emphasizing skills), or a combination of both.
Contact Information: Begin your resume with your name, contact details (phone number, email address), and optionally, a link to your professional online presence (e.g., LinkedIn profile).
Professional Summary/Objective: Write a concise statement that summarizes your key qualifications and career goals. Tailor it to the specific job you're applying for, highlighting your relevant skills and experience.
Skills: Create a section where you list your key skills, both technical and soft skills. Include skills that are relevant to the job you're targeting. Use bullet points and concise descriptions.
Work Experience: Provide a detailed account of your work history, starting with your most recent position and include all relevant details and in quantitative details as far as possible
Education: List your educational background, including degrees earned, the name of the institution, graduation dates, and any honors or distinctions received. Include relevant coursework or projects if applicable, particularly for recent graduates or individuals with limited work experience.
Additional Sections: Consider including additional sections that highlight your relevant experiences, such as certifications, internships, volunteer work, research projects, publications, or professional affiliations. These sections can add depth to your resume and demonstrate your commitment and expertise.
Customize : for each job application. Review the job description and requirements carefully and modify your resume to highlight the skills and experiences most relevant to the position.
Proofread and Edit: Ensure your resume is error-free and well-polished. Check for grammar and spelling mistakes, consistent formatting, and readability.
Keep it Concise: Aim for a resume length of one to two pages, focusing on the most important and relevant information. Use bullet points and concise language to convey your qualifications effectively.
Use Action Verbs: Begin your bullet points with action verbs to make your accomplishments more impactful and engaging. Examples include "managed," "implemented," "achieved," "coordinated," etc.
Design and Formatting: Keep your resume design clean, professional, and easy to read. Use clear headings, consistent font styles and sizes, and appropriate white space. Avoid using excessive colors or graphics that may distract from the content.
Use Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords and industry-specific terminology throughout your resume. This can help your resume pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and increase its visibility to recruiters.
Update Regularly: Keep your resume up to date by adding new experiences, skills, and accomplishments as they occur. Review and revise your resume periodically to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with your current career goals.

A resume is a marketing tool that highlights your qualifications and experiences. Tailor it to each job application, emphasizing the skills and achievements most relevant to the position. A well-crafted resume can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed by employers and securing job interviews.

  • Group Discussion Preparation

Preparing for a group discussion involves developing key skills and strategies to effectively contribute and communicate in a group setting. Here are some tips to help you prepare for a group discussion:

Understand the Purpose: Familiarize yourself with the purpose and format of the group discussion. Determine whether it is a formal evaluation, an information-sharing session, or a problem-solving exercise. This understanding will help you align your approach and contributions accordingly.
Research the Topic: Gather information and develop a good understanding of the topic or subject matter that will be discussed. Read relevant articles, books, or reports to gain insights and form your own opinions. Having a solid foundation of knowledge will enable you to contribute meaningfully to the discussion.
Develop Your Perspective: Identify your viewpoint or stance on the topic and think about supporting arguments or evidence. Consider both sides of the argument to anticipate counter-arguments and potential discussion points.
Practice Active Listening: Listening attentively is crucial in a group discussion. Practice active listening by paying attention to what others are saying, maintaining eye contact, and taking notes. Show respect for others' perspectives and opinions.
Improve Communication Skills: Effective communication is vital in a group discussion. Work on enhancing your verbal communication skills by practicing clarity, fluency, and articulation. Avoid interrupting others and wait for your turn to speak.
Develop Critical Thinking Skills: Group discussions often involve analyzing and evaluating ideas. Improve your critical thinking skills by practicing logical reasoning, evaluating evidence, and considering multiple perspectives. This will enable you to make informed contributions to the discussion.
Participate Constructively: Engage in the discussion actively and contribute constructively. Share your viewpoints, ask thoughtful questions, and support your arguments with relevant examples or data. Balance assertiveness with respect for others' opinions.
Foster Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and teamwork by building upon others' ideas or offering constructive suggestions. Engage in active dialogue and seek opportunities to bridge gaps, find common ground, or build consensus.
Manage Time Effectively: Keep track of time and ensure that you manage your speaking time appropriately. Avoid monopolizing the discussion while also ensuring that you contribute meaningfully within the allotted time.
Practice Group Discussions: Find opportunities to practice group discussions with friends, colleagues, or in mock group discussion sessions. Practice different scenarios, topics, and roles to become more comfortable with the dynamics of group discussions. Reflect and Learn: After each group discussion, reflect on your performance and identify areas for improvement. Consider feedback from others and work on enhancing your strengths and addressing any weaknesses.

The goal of a group discussion is not to win or dominate but to contribute to a collaborative exchange of ideas. Approach the discussion with an open mind, respect others' opinions, and strive for a balanced and constructive participation.

  • Puzzles

Puzzle solving can provide a fun and engaging way to improve various aptitude skills such as problem-solving, logical reasoning, cognitive abilities, time management, and resilience. Regular practice with puzzles can help you develop a strong aptitude foundation that can be beneficial in academic, professional, and personal pursuits.

  • HR Preparation

Preparing for an HR (Human Resources) interview or assessment involves understanding the role of HR, familiarizing with common HR topics, and developing strong communication and interpersonal skills. Here are some tips to help you prepare for an HR-related interview or assessment:

Research the Role: Gain a thorough understanding of the responsibilities and functions of HR professionals within organizations. This includes areas such as talent acquisition, employee relations, performance management, training and development, compensation and benefits, and HR policies and procedures.
Understand HR Trends and Challenges: Stay updated on current trends, challenges, and best practices in HR. Research topics such as diversity and inclusion, employee engagement, remote work, workplace culture, and HR technology. This demonstrates your interest and knowledge about the field.
Review HR Terminology and Concepts: Familiarize yourself with common HR terminology, concepts, and frameworks. Understand terms such as onboarding, talent management, succession planning, organizational development, and employee engagement. This will enable you to effectively discuss HR topics during the interview.
Prepare Behavioral Interview Responses: Anticipate behavioral interview questions related to HR. Prepare examples that highlight your experience and achievements in areas such as conflict resolution, employee development, recruitment, policy implementation, and handling sensitive employee issues.
Demonstrate Knowledge of Employment Laws: Understand key employment laws and regulations relevant to HR, such as equal employment opportunity, anti-discrimination laws, wage and hour regulations, and occupational health and safety. Showcase your understanding of compliance and your ability to navigate legal requirements.
Showcase Communication and Interpersonal Skills: HR professionals need strong communication, active listening, and relationship-building skills. Prepare examples that demonstrate your ability to effectively communicate with employees, resolve conflicts, and maintain confidentiality.
Be Prepared for Scenario-Based Questions: Expect scenario-based questions that assess your problem-solving and decision-making skills. Think through various HR scenarios and develop approaches to address them, considering ethical considerations and best practices.
Practice Role-Play Exercises: HR interviews may include role-play exercises where you are given a scenario and asked to act as an HR professional. Practice these exercises, focusing on active listening, empathy, and providing appropriate guidance or solutions.
Prepare Questions to Ask: Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer about the HR department, company culture, career progression, or specific HR initiatives. This shows your interest in the role and organization.
Review Your Resume and Relevant Experience: Be prepared to discuss your relevant experience, accomplishments, and projects related to HR. Connect your past experiences to the HR role and demonstrate how your skills and expertise align with the organization's needs.
Stay Professional and Positive: Present yourself professionally, demonstrate enthusiasm for the role, and maintain a positive attitude throughout the interview. HR professionals should be approachable, trustworthy, and capable of fostering a positive work environment.

Remember, HR interviews not only assess your knowledge and skills but also evaluate your cultural fit and alignment with the organization's values. Be authentic, showcase your passion for HR, and illustrate your ability to contribute to the organization's people-related goals.

Language and Subject (1.5 months)

This section includes the high level computer languages. Revision for computer language should ideally start at least a month and half before the campus interview as this section forms the core part of interview for any software professional.

  • C/C++

C is vastly used due to its performance, portability, and influence on other languages, especially for low-level programming, system development, and projects where performance and control over hardware are critical. C++ combines the power and efficiency of C with additional features for object-oriented programming and code reuse.

  • Java or Python

Java is widely used due to simplicity, platform independence, extensive libraries, and strong community supports, is a popular choice for building robust, scalable, and secure applications, especially in enterprise-level development. Python is preferred by beginners and experienced developers for simplicity, versatility, readability, extensive libraries, and strong community support.

  • OOPs

OOP promotes code organization, modularity, reusability, and maintainability. It allows for the creation of software systems that closely model real-world entities and behaviors. OOP helps developers build modular, extensible, and efficient applications.

  • Operating systems

Operating systems come in various forms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile operating systems like Android and iOS. They provide a foundation for running applications and managing system resources, allowing users to effectively utilize computer hardware and software.

  • Data Base Management Systems

Popular DBMSs include Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. These systems vary in terms of features, data models, scalability, and suitability for different types of applications. DBMSs play a critical role in managing and organizing data efficiently, ensuring data integrity, and providing reliable and secure access to data for various applications and users.

  • SQL

SQL is a widely adopted language for managing and manipulating relational databases. It is supported by many database management systems, including Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. SQL provides a standardized and efficient way to interact with databases, making it essential for data retrieval, manipulation, and administration in a wide range of applications and industries.

Coding (2-3 months)

Coding is a skill that requires practice, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. It empowers individuals to create software solutions, automate tasks, build websites, develop mobile apps, perform data analysis, and much more. This is a core section for software professionals hence revision should start two three months ahead of the campus placement selection process.

  • Intermediate Coding

    Intermediate coding refers to a level of proficiency in programming that goes beyond the basics and involves tackling more complex coding tasks and projects. At the intermediate level, you have a good understanding of programming concepts, syntax, and problem-solving techniques.

    1. Learn the Basic of a Programming Language like Python, Java, or C++

      Learning the basics of a programming language is a valuable investment of time and effort. It equips you with essential skills, opens doors to various career opportunities, and empowers you to leverage technology for problem solving and innovation.

    2. Basic Knowledge of OOPs Concept

      Having a basic knowledge of OOP concepts empowers you to write modular, maintainable, and reusable code. It enhances your ability to understand and contribute to OOP-based projects, collaborate with other developers, and adapt to various programming languages and frameworks that follow OOP principles.

    3. Practice Coding Regularly

      By practicing coding regularly, you develop a growth mindset, adapt to new technologies, and continually improve your programming abilities. It is an ongoing journey that hones your skills, broadens your knowledge, and empowers you to tackle increasingly complex coding tasks with confidence.

  • DSA Basic

    DSA basics are essential for developing efficient and optimized software solutions. They provide a toolkit of algorithms and data structures that enable effective problem-solving and efficient utilization of computing resources. Understanding DSA basics helps in designing scalable applications, optimizing code performance, and tackling complex computational problems.

    1. Array

      Arrays play a crucial role in various algorithms and data structures. They provide efficient element access, enable random access to elements, and support iterative processing. Understanding arrays is fundamental to mastering DSA concepts and solving many algorithmic problems efficiently.

    2. Linked List

      A linked list is a linear data structure used to store a collection of elements. Unlike arrays, which provide contiguous memory allocation, a linked list uses a series of connected nodes to store elements. Each node contains the element itself and a reference (or pointer) to the next node in the sequence. Understanding linked lists is crucial in DSA as they serve as a foundational data structure. They provide efficient insertion and deletion, dynamic size, and flexibility in memory allocation. Mastering linked lists helps in solving complex problems and understanding more advanced data structures and algorithms.

    3. Stacks

      A stack is an abstract data type that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. It is a linear data structure that allows for efficient insertion and removal of elements at one end. Understanding stacks is important in DSA as they serve as a core data structure. They provide a simple and efficient way to manage elements with LIFO behavior. Knowledge of stacks extends to more complex data structures and algorithms that build upon stack operations and principles.

    4. Queues

      A queue is an abstract data type that follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle. It is a linear data structure that allows for efficient insertion of elements at one end and removal of elements from the other end. Understanding queues is important in DSA as they serve as a fundamental data structure. They provide a simple and efficient way to manage elements with FIFO behavior. Knowledge of queues extends to more complex data structures and algorithms that build upon queue operations and principles.

    5. Hash Tables

      A hash table, also known as a hash map, is a data structure that provides efficient insertion, deletion, and lookup operations. It is based on the concept of hashing, which uses a hash function to map keys to corresponding values. Understanding hash tables is important in DSA as they offer efficient data retrieval and storage capabilities. They provide a powerful tool for solving problems that involve key-value associations and require fast lookup times.

    6. Trees

      A tree is a hierarchical data structure that consists of nodes connected by edges. It is a non-linear data structure with a hierarchical relationship between its elements. Understanding trees is important in DSA as they provide a versatile data structure for organizing hierarchical relationships and solving various problems efficiently. Trees are widely used as the foundation for more advanced data structures, such as heaps, trie structures, and self-balancing trees.

    7. Heaps

      A heap is a specialized tree-based data structure and satisfies heap property. Heaps are typically implemented as binary trees, specifically binary heaps. Understanding heaps is important in DSA as they provide an efficient way to handle priority-based operations and solve problems related to finding the minimum or maximum element efficiently. Heaps are used in a variety of algorithms and applications that require efficient priority-based operations and sorting.

    8. Graphs

      In DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms) basics, a graph is a non-linear data structure that consists of a set of vertices (also known as nodes) and a set of edges that connect pairs of vertices. Graphs are used to represent relationships and connections between objects or entities. Understanding graphs is important in DSA as they provide a flexible and powerful way to model and solve problems involving relationships and connections. Graph algorithms and data structures form the basis for solving many graph-related problems efficiently.

    9. Time and Space Complexity

      Time complexity and space complexity are used to analyze the efficiency and resource requirements of algorithms. Both time complexity and space complexity analysis provide insights into the efficiency and resource requirements of algorithms. By considering these complexities, developers can make informed decisions while selecting algorithms, optimizing code, and designing efficient solutions to problems.

  • DSA Advance

DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms) Advance refers to the study and application of advanced topics and techniques in data structures and algorithms. It builds upon the foundational knowledge of basic data structures and algorithms and delves deeper into more complex concepts, optimizations, and problem-solving techniques. DSA Advance extends the knowledge gained in DSA basics and equips individuals with the tools and techniques needed to solve more challenging and complex problems efficiently. It prepares them for advanced algorithmic problem-solving, software development, research, and further studies in computer science and related fields.


Exam scores render several benefits to both interviewers and candidates. For interviewers exam scores serve as standard assessment criteria, efficient screening tool, quality assurance and in predicting employee performance. To candidates, exam scores accord confidence, resume high ranking, and salary negotiation basis. While exam scores are not the sole determinant of a candidate's suitability for a job, they can play a significant role in the initial stages of campus placements. It is important to note that other factors such as communication skills, relevant experience, extracurricular activities, and interpersonal skills also contribute to a candidate's overall profile and employability.

  • Elitmus

    Elitmus is an employment assessment and job placement platform that evaluates the skills and abilities of job seekers in India. It conducts an aptitude test called the eLitmus pH Test, which assesses candidates' proficiency in quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning, and verbal ability. The test is specifically designed to measure problem-solving and analytical skills relevant to entry-level job positions in fields like information technology, software development, and other core industries.

    1. Conduct Offline test called as Potential test (PH test)

      A potential test, also known as an aptitude test or assessment, is a standardized evaluation designed to measure an individual's inherent abilities and potential to perform well in certain areas. These tests are commonly used by employers during the hiring process to assess a candidate's suitability for a particular job or career.

    2. Provide off campus placements in some of the best IT companies

      Off-campus placement refers to the process of securing a job or internship outside of the traditional campus placement activities organized by educational institutions. It involves job seekers directly applying to companies, attending off-campus recruitment drives, or utilizing online job portals and networking platforms to find employment opportunities.

  • Amcat

    AMCAT (Aspiring Minds Computer Adaptive Test) is an employability assessment test conducted by the Indian-based company, Aspiring Minds. It is a comprehensive test that evaluates the job-readiness and employability skills of individuals seeking entry-level jobs. AMCAT is widely used by companies in India as a tool to assess candidates during the hiring process.

    1. Eases the Job Hunting Process

      AMCAT exam can ease the job hunting process

    2. 700+ Companies to Hire Freshers and Experienced Candidates

      Companies that advertise such widely use AMCAT scores.

    3. Job Recommendations from Top Companies Based on your Amcat Exam Score

      Top companies refer to AMCAT scores for candidates’ selections.

  • Haker Rank

    Hacker rank is an online platform that offers coding challenges, programming contests, and coding competitions. It provides a space for developers and programmers to practice their coding skills, learn new programming concepts, and showcase their abilities to potential employers.

    1. Competitive Programming Platforms

      Haker Rank essentially includes competitive programming challenges whereby candidates can self-assess their standing in coding skills.

    2. Vast Library of Questions

      Haker Rank includes a vast library of questions.

    3. Real World Coding Environment

      Haker Rank competitive coding platform provides a real world coding environment.

  • Hakernoon

    Hackernoon is an online publication and platform that focuses on technology-related articles and content. It is a community-driven platform where individuals, including developers, engineers, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts, can share their knowledge, insights, and experiences in the form of articles and blog posts.

    1. Quality Content Related to Technology, Startups and Culture

      Hakernoon platform offers quality content related to Technology, Startups and Culture.

  • Research more websites from where companies are hiring based on secured marks.

Exam scores can be useful while filling out job vacancies forms in various company websites. The Exam scores can be attached with the application on the sites.